Reprocessing – Sinq Laison

Disclaimers: This report is strictly academic in-nature and does not constitute financial advice; its contents are based off of past and present data which cannot guarantee future outcomes. In-game traders can and will engage in market manipulation tactics which can influence these reports.

Using the principle of trading against price floors, this report provides a list of items which can be purchased, processed into scrap, and then re-sold for the region ‘Sinq Laison’ in the MMORPG EvE Online. Please see this article for detailed context and information concerning the methodologies used to generate these results. All data used to generate these reports is provided by the EvE Swagger Interface with static data exports provided by FuzzySteve. New report results are generated approximately once every hour.

The following table displays the top 30 results sorted by potential profit; pagination and user-specified sorting is supported. A full .csv export can also be downloaded here.

Medium Railgun Battery16691199900018622854017
Uranium Charge L23680140600581240452
Clutch Restrained Warp Disruption Field Generator3761046450004311604017
Standup Signal Amplifier I375325989000417564727
Standup Stasis Webifier I3594318060000112243557
Large 'Hope' Hull Reconstructor I575539090026115507611
Pitfall Compact Warp Disruption Field Generator3760848570002113402012
M-36 Enduring Warp Disruption Field Generator3761148990002105002011
Lead Charge XL17654600301007904264
Explosive Shield Hardener I2289850004570596018
'Concussion' Compact Medium Graviton Smartbomb9728823300560447015
Overdrive Injector System I1244299703695180765
Tachyon Anode Particle Stream I717384930084697847
Anode Mega Neutron Particle Cannon I7789718800134527645
400mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates113112049001343654016
Large S95a Scoped Remote Shield Booster8641745300124172165
425mm Carbide Railgun I7451867000104102305
Regulated Mega Ion Phase Cannon I7831500000437652419
400mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates11309198900935622020
400mm Steel Plates II2034999400073298615
Ogre I2444650004731960010
250mm 'Scout' Accelerator Cannon736999980931672835
Heavy Modal Laser I6959100000931654835
Gamma L2611300001030792024
Regulated Mega Neutron Phase Cannon I7787599900230745626
Heavy Karelin Scoped Stasis Grappler410551488000229692410
Dual 150mm Railgun I567304002827610832
Heavy Jigoro Enduring Stasis Grappler41056150000022729249
Iridium Charge L233361800025092039


  • Price: Listed sell price for the item
  • Volume: Unit quantity which can be reprocessed before saturating market supply or demand at current prices
  • Profit: Assuming a net reprocessing yield of 55% and sales tax of 3.6%, this figure is the profit projection attainable by purchasing, processing, and selling the resulting scrap of the item at the indicated Price and Volume.
  • PctROI: Percent return on investment. If you do not have Scrapmetal Processing V and/or are trading at a station which charges a processing fee, you can use this value to help determine if an item can be profitably processed. For instance, with an effective reprocessing yield is 50%, ISK will be lost attempting to reprocess any items with a pctROI of less than 5.
  • *Please note that items which are not governed by the Scrapmetal Processing skill such are ores may appear on this report. These items generally have far greater profit potential than indicated, as achieving reprocessing/refinement yields greater than 55% is generally not very difficult even in high-security space.