Station Trading – Essence

Disclaimers: This report is strictly academic in-nature and does not constitute financial advice; its contents are based off of past and present data which cannot guarantee future outcomes. In-game traders can and will engage in market manipulation tactics which can influence these reports.

Using the principle of trading against the bid-ask spread, this report provides a list of potentially viable items to trade in the region ‘Essence’ in the MMORPG EvE Online. Please see this article for detailed context and information concerning the regression analysis, data modeling and other methodologies used to generate these results. All data used to generate these reports is provided by the EvE Swagger Interface with static data exports provided by FuzzySteve. New report results are generated approximately once every hour.

The following table displays the top 30 results sorted by potential profit; pagination and user-specified sorting is supported. A full .csv export can also be downloaded here.

Quantum Microprocessor11540.02291300668337216319374912120
Daily Alpha Injector46375.08029564104649909555353980222900
Basic 'Brainfreeze' Cerebral Accelerator85237.012893261734021494332015215160
Small Tractor Beam I24348.01138766123069857373200018442


  • PotentialDailyProfit: Daily station trading profit potential for the specified commodity
  • PctROI: Percent return on investment when trading at the indicated BuyPrice and SellPrice
  • BuyPrice: Target purchase price
  • SellPrice: Target sale price
  • VolPerOrder: Average (mean) unit quantity bought/sold per order
  • TotalDelta: Estimated total time (in minutes) it will take to successfully clear both a Buy and Sell order
  • RelistCt: Estimated quantity of order relists (0.01-ISKing) required to account for competition.