OSRS Low-Effort Processing Report

Disclaimer: This report is strictly academic in-nature and does not constitute financial advice; its contents are based off of past and present data which cannot guarantee future outcomes.


Using the principle of converting intermediate goods into final goods via low-effort processing methods, this report provides a list of potentially viable items to create and sell on the Grand Exchange of the MMORPG Old School Runescape. Please see this article for detailed context and information concerning the methodology used to generate these results. All data used to generate these reports is provided by the OSRS Wiki API in-conjunction with a fixed recipe table. This page is automatically updated with new report results approximately once every minute.

*Note: Torva armour results on this report assume the conversion of Bandos Tassets at current market rates into 2x Bandosian Components. This requires completion of The Frozen Door miniquest in-order to access the Ancient Forge, in-addition to level 90 Smithing to complete the repair.

*Note: Barrows equipment calculations assume level 80 Smithing, with repairs being done at an armour stand in a POH. Potential profit otherwise scales up or down with a player’s Smithing level.


Torva platelegsUse Broken Armour and 2 Bandosian Components on Anvil (90 smithing)2919734-84412614598670-4220630
VoidwakerTake Voidwaker Hilt, Blade, Gem and 500K GP to Madam Sikaro1476533640293135348865869353
Nihil DustCrushing Nihil Shards (Wesley)347194597808251753
Venator bow (uncharged)Combine 5 Venator shards1396418106308522342691700936
Cadantine blood potion (unf)Create Unfinished Blood Potions (Zahur)15410416940001144000
Ahrim’s robeskirtRepair Broken Armour (POH calculated at 80 smithing)106028645321590420967980
Bandos godswordCombine hilt and godsword blade194839835741169034501444
Armadyl godswordCombine hilt and godsword blade181340365841088040219504
Toadflax potion (unf)Create Unfinished Potions (Zahur)802104000026000
Karil’s leatherskirtRepair Broken Armour (POH calculated at 80 smithing)68345619451025175929175
Torag’s platelegsRepair Broken Armour (POH calculated at 80 smithing)5646046437846900696555
Avantoe potion (unf)Create Unfinished Potions (Zahur)61-28793000-364000
Ahrim’s robetopRepair Broken Armour (POH calculated at 80 smithing)49769-3026746535-45390
Guardian bootsCombine Bandos Boots with Black tourmaline core125951-60233629755-301165
Black maskUncharge Black mask (10)2829615750617796343875
Zamorak godswordCombine hilt and godsword blade195863-92592522301-246912
Guthan’s platebodyRepair Broken Armour (POH calculated at 80 smithing)5060316515455427148635
Unicorn horn dustCrushing Unicorn Horns (Wesley)3422442000286000
Dwarf weed potion (unf)Create Unfinished Potions (Zahur)40444000044000
Karil’s leathertopRepair Broken Armour (POH calculated at 80 smithing)2616210834392430162510
Dharok’s platelegsRepair Broken Armour (POH calculated at 80 smithing)18105-6084271575-91260
Antifire potion(4)Decant 3 to 4 (Bob Barter)17594262566141035
Guthan’s chainskirtRepair Broken Armour (POH calculated at 80 smithing)3072215409240656120704
Super energy(4)Decant 3 to 4 (Bob Barter)151128226557192048
Verac’s helmRepair Broken Armour (POH calculated at 80 smithing)145138517217695127755
Dharok’s helmRepair Broken Armour (POH calculated at 80 smithing)14145137921217520685
Prayer potion(4)Decant 3 to 4 (Bob Barter)139140208552210053
Super restore(4)Decant 3 to 4 (Bob Barter)128-50192048-75019
Combat potion(4)Decant 3 to 4 (Bob Barter)12181181545121530
Ranarr potion (unf) Create Unfinished Potions (Zahur)14-2154000-22000
Torag’s platebodyRepair Broken Armour (POH calculated at 80 smithing)9684394714526059205
Guthan’s helmRepair Broken Armour (POH calculated at 80 smithing)20452947612952960015
Super strength(4)Decant 3 to 4 (Bob Barter)844612603269017
Ahrim’s hoodRepair Broken Armour (POH calculated at 80 smithing)11129113012056412242
Magic potion(4)Decant 3 to 4 (Bob Barter)7878117029117029
Ranging potion(4)Decant 3 to 4 (Bob Barter)763911402958515
Torag’s helmRepair Broken Armour (POH calculated at 80 smithing)6776234010164035100
Bastion potion(4)Decant 3 to 4 (Bob Barter)619619100226100226
Kebbit Teeth DustCrushing Kebbit Teeth (Wesley)247579073120938
Ahrim’s staffRepair Broken Weapon (POH calculated at 80 smithing)5529-241882935-36270
Guthan’s warspearRepair Broken Weapon (POH calculated at 80 smithing)1680175257560533863
Verac’s plateskirtRepair Broken Armour (POH calculated at 80 smithing)461316166919524240
Super defence(4)Decant 3 to 4 (Bob Barter)42-3263016-48012
Energy potion(4)Decant 3 to 4 (Bob Barter)36365401454014
Super attack(4)Decant 3 to 4 (Bob Barter)16122400618005


RecipeTypeInstructions/Steps needed to create the indicated ItemName
HighMarginMaximum potential per-unit return generated, assuming ingredients are purchased at their respective Low “insta-sell” prices, with the final product sold at its respective High “insta-buy” price, taking into account processing costs and taxes.
LowMarginMaximum potential per-unit return generated, assuming ingredients are purchased at their respective Low “insta-sell” prices, with the final product sold at its respective Low “insta-sell” price, taking into account processing costs and taxes.
HighMaxProfitMaximum potential profit possible within a 4-hour window against HighMargin. This value takes into account a recipe’s ingredients’ buy limits and recent trade volume.
LowMaxProfitMaximum potential profit possible within a 4-hour window against LowMargin. This value takes into account a recipe’s ingredients’ buy limits and recent trade volume.