Reprocessing – The Forge

Disclaimers: This report is strictly academic in-nature and does not constitute financial advice; its contents are based off of past and present data which cannot guarantee future outcomes. In-game traders can and will engage in market manipulation tactics which can influence these reports.

Using the principle of trading against price floors, this report provides a list of items which can be purchased, processed into scrap, and then re-sold for the region ‘The Forge’ in the MMORPG EvE Online. Please see this article for detailed context and information concerning the methodologies used to generate these results. All data used to generate these reports is provided by the EvE Swagger Interface with static data exports provided by FuzzySteve. New report results are generated approximately once every hour.

The following table displays the top 30 results sorted by potential profit; pagination and user-specified sorting is supported. A full .csv export can also be downloaded here.

Large Ancillary Armor Repairer331031415001748113794805
Tachyon Modal Laser I716790720023997124824
Small Murky Compact Remote Shield Booster853173060128782406619
Equipment Assembly Array1378054990000575493103
Capital Emergency Hull Energizer I4071454420000567321252
Moon Harvesting Array1622129900000351490686
Standup Stasis Webifier I3594319640000749225194
Lustering Alloy1173633490742940413762
ECM Jammer Burst Projector2767875000000235227422
Quad 3500mm Siege Artillery I2045457220000334353332
J5 Enduring Warp Disruptor539927360489731340802
200mm Compressed Coil Gun I1427614620044327807114
350mm Railgun I1235415000005027698004
Scorch Bomb2791612500008027552323
Capital Tractor Beam I2464430890000426435202
Rare Moon Mining Crystal Type A I4636933720078259669810
Standup Heavy Energy Neutralizer I3592552990000225171582
Compact Multispectrum Energized Membrane1639115950050923704133
Experimental Enduring Kinetic Armor Hardener I163733448009921172146
Mega Anode Pulse Particle Stream I70895970007618915644
500MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive59459360003018581107
Regulated Mega Ion Phase Cannon I78315930005816755625
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun744785570014128993211
Large C5-L Compact Shield Booster10880102600113124548611
350mm Carbide Railgun I1428012190003312319233
100mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates113433085056312279037
100MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner595520030049120265612
M-36 Enduring Warp Disruption Field Generator376115445000711836793
Prototype Compact Thermal Armor Hardener I1638331800011211665923
1200mm Heavy 'Scout' Artillery I93677739007410271942


  • Price: Listed sell price for the item
  • Volume: Unit quantity which can be reprocessed before saturating market supply or demand at current prices
  • Profit: Assuming a net reprocessing yield of 55% and sales tax of 3.6%, this figure is the profit projection attainable by purchasing, processing, and selling the resulting scrap of the item at the indicated Price and Volume.
  • PctROI: Percent return on investment. If you do not have Scrapmetal Processing V and/or are trading at a station which charges a processing fee, you can use this value to help determine if an item can be profitably processed. For instance, with an effective reprocessing yield is 50%, ISK will be lost attempting to reprocess any items with a pctROI of less than 5.
  • *Please note that items which are not governed by the Scrapmetal Processing skill such are ores may appear on this report. These items generally have far greater profit potential than indicated, as achieving reprocessing/refinement yields greater than 55% is generally not very difficult even in high-security space.