Station Trading – Sinq Laison

Disclaimers: This report is strictly academic in-nature and does not constitute financial advice; its contents are based off of past and present data which cannot guarantee future outcomes. In-game traders can and will engage in market manipulation tactics which can influence these reports.

Using the principle of trading against the bid-ask spread, this report provides a list of potentially viable items to trade in the region ‘The Forge’ in the MMORPG EvE Online. Please see this article for detailed context and information concerning the regression analysis, data modeling and other methodologies used to generate these results. All data used to generate these reports is provided by the EvE Swagger Interface with static data exports provided by FuzzySteve. New report results are generated approximately once every hour.

The following table displays the top 30 results sorted by potential profit; pagination and user-specified sorting is supported. A full .csv export can also be downloaded here.

Small Thermal Shield Reinforcer II31758.01891976202242986291441716460
Angel Brass Tag12529.01858914231464189619662293277310
Shattered Villard Wheel33539.0179530613320366390000207240
400mm Steel Plates II20349.017693916015567512753103436040
720mm 'Scout' Artillery I9451.015743972038094062944597475640
Small Capacitor Booster II3568.0155342734907503132562315462
Republic Fleet High Captain Insignia I15631.01484106100352933799369727490
Bastion Module I33400.01441867141573082019354373128320
Salvage Drone II55760.01407295121429740173239749022
500MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive35661.013718822466400089683413500
Enduring Multispectrum Shield Hardener54291.012922874517986328645222110
Capacitor Power Relay II1447.0126960019807869104072924560
Pithum A-Type Kinetic Shield Amplifier19229.01243690182836567436327505165800
Annointed Dead Pattern - Limited85148.011938555424692944213533237960
Chaotic Dark Filament47895.01161124171164293914705712257930
50MN Microwarpdrive II12076.01150405186566394841996207910
Republic Fleet Small Shield Extender31924.011311572139808835233576116360
Heavy Jigoro Enduring Stasis Grappler41056.011295962771355798640014730
Modal Neutron Particle Accelerator I7703.0107924223512500051276417730
Dual 150mm Railgun II3106.010185921718244092316789214200
X-Large Ancillary Shield Booster32780.010176721439536134894000111320
Modal Light Neutron Particle Accelerator I7579.010176572834543348237323200


  • PotentialDailyProfit: Daily station trading profit potential for the specified commodity
  • PctROI: Percent return on investment when trading at the indicated BuyPrice and SellPrice
  • BuyPrice: Target purchase price
  • SellPrice: Target sale price
  • VolPerOrder: Average (mean) unit quantity bought/sold per order
  • TotalDelta: Estimated total time (in minutes) it will take to successfully clear both a Buy and Sell order
  • RelistCt: Estimated quantity of order relists (0.01-ISKing) required to account for competition.